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About The Studio

Jackie Tu, D. M. A.

"Beautiful", orchestral", and "fierce" have all been used to describe Jackie Tu’s performances.  Jackie’s achievements include recognition as a Redlands Bowl Young Artist, SYMF Young Recitalist, Bank of America Awardee in Arts, and is a prizewinner of the Los Angeles International Liszt Competition.  She has performed at festivals in Vienna, Italy, Prague, Maine, North Carolina, Aspen, and Seattle.


Jackie earned her Doctor of Musical Arts Degree in Piano Performance in 2015, under the tutelage of Bernadene Blaha.  Her areas of study were: Music Education, Arts Leadership, and Jazz Studies.  She was the first recipient of the Dorothy L. Gleason Memorial Scholarship, and served as a Teaching Assistant for the Keyboard Department.


In 2014, Jackie launched PSI (Piano Summer Intensive), a camp which aimed to inspire the love of music for “average” piano students while instilling healthy habits of discipline.  Originally a project for her Doctor of Musical Arts: Arts Leadership minor field, the camp has gained attention for its innovative and progressive principles.


Jackie also holds memberships in the Pi Kappa Lambda Music Honor Society, Music Teachers' National Association, and Music Teachers' Association of California.  She earned her Bachelor of Music and Master of Music degrees from USC, and also holds a minor in Business Administration.   


Jackie enjoys teaches privately in the Greater Los Angeles Area and as a Master Teacher at the South Pasadena Music Center and Conservatory.  Her students have been recognized in competitions throughout the Southern California Region and actively participate in performances.


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